Women Have Pressure to Appear Feminine

By Elen Hanszen

The media perpetuates a feminine stereotype of women, and they feel pressure to adhere to this. Movies stars and model can exaggerate this especially when their unique features are emphasized in film and photos. Generally, fuller lips, and cheeks, larger eyes and perfect skin is the order of the day in movies and on television. Women spend a lot of time, money and energy to look this way, and major surgery is not always the best option. Keeping one's youthful appearance for longer can be done with some relatively minor adjustments to lifestyle, instead of the permanent look that major surgery will leave with you.

Your lips are one of the first parts of your face to show the signs of aging. The use of makeup can actually add to this issue, as the lines appear around the mouth and lips can appear to have less volume. Full soft lips are not just a sign of beauty, but also a sign of youth. Fortunately, your lips are one of the simplest fixes without the need for surgery. Fullness can be increased by using fillers, and it is a more natural solution.

For lip enhancement, a better solution than permanent or semi-permanent fillers is to use products such as Restylane Juvederm, or Perlane, which are hyaluronic acid fillers. There are no uneven or bumpy spots after using these, and an adjustment can be made after treatment to create the desired result if necessary.

Dark circles under your eyes, or even a hollowness above your cheekbones is easily improved using a similar method as with the lips. Persistent dark circles are actually the result of your lower eyelid muscle showing through the delicate and thin skin of your lower lid area. The dark and depressed area will appear more prominent as less subcutaneous fat fills the space in between the skin and muscles there. When this process is administered by a highly experienced physician and monitored and modified afterwards, it is not obvious that it has happened and looks normal.

Of course, forehead wrinkles and brow lines are considered unfeminine. Looking younger is a big part of what today's culture believes that feminine women should be. A flexible forehead with less wrinkles and eyebrows that are mildly raised and a lack of a brow pinch or crow's feet is what many consider to be more youthful. Natural looking expressions will be maintained after a Botox treatment if it is done with expert care.

We all have unblemished skin in our youth, but when we get older, spots appear and other issues can occur that make our skin less than flawless. There are many types of chemical peels available and they treat many types of concerns, so it can be difficult to figure out which chemical peel is right for you.

There are a lot of things that a chemical peel can treat, including acne issues, fine lines and wrinkles, dark spots as well as replacing some skin elasticity. This frequently makes the chemical peel an excellent alternative to surgery that removes excess skin for the lower eyelid. The eyelid area can be enhanced greatly by having a chemical peel that will make you appear younger and more healthy, and it is a minimally invasive process.

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