Lose Weight Without Exercise - 5 Tips To Help Shed The Pounds

By Sheila Bell

Obesity rates are on the rise. Even though most overweight people are aware they need to lose weight, starting and sticking to a strict diet and exercise routine is difficult to sustain.

One of the key ingredients for losing weight is regular exercise. Unfortunately, exercise is something many people despise. With that being said, is there a way to get healthy and lose weight without exercise?

While exercise is always best for weight loss and healthier living, there are some ways to lose weight without exercise, which include the following.

Do Not Drink Soda

One can of cola contains approximately 140 calories which offer no health benefit. Drinking two sodas daily can pack on up to 30 extra pounds yearly.

That is a huge amount of weight from a product that offers no nutritional value. If you start by eliminating soda from your diet you will begin to lose some of those unwanted pounds.

Snack Healthier

Snacking on healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables and popcorn instead of fattening high calorie snacks like cookies and cakes will help you cut calories and lose some weight.

Fruits are naturally sweet and can be an effective way to curb your appetite and sweet cravings.

Portion Control

One way to lose some pounds without resorting to exercise is to scale back on the amount of food you eat at each meal.

One way to do this is to eat the actual recommended portion size for your meal.

This will drastically reduce the number of calories you are eating. Do this on a regular basis and you should gradually start losing weight.

Drink Water

In order to cleanse the body of toxins and keep your digestive system functioning at peak capacity you need to drink lots of water.

If you drink a glass of water before each meal, it will cause you to eat less because the water fills your stomach making you less hungry. Since water has zero calories it is the perfect replacement for sugary drinks.

To get the most health and weight loss benefit from water, drink at least 8 glasses daily.

Use The Stairs Instead Of The Elevator

Many times we jump on the elevator without giving it a second thought. Next time, why not take the stairs. While it may not be intense exercise, taking the stairs is a great way to burn a few extra calories.

If done consistently it may help you lose a pound or two.

Incorporating simple changes like this into your lifestyle can help you lose weight and get fit.

Losing weight can be done without exercise but adding exercise will drastically speed up the results and improve your health.

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